What can you do from your end to reduce paper pollution and waste?
- Recycle all your paper waste.
- Be a conscious consumer and buy “100% post-consumer waste recycled”. Buy recycled paper materials or materials that came from sustainable managed forests.
- In the office, reuse paper. If you’ve only used one side for example, collect them instead of throwing them away. You can bind these sheets and make a notebook using the other side. This small effort reduces paper waste by 50%
- If you already have a scanned copy of a file, don’t print it anymore unless really needed.
- Use email instead of paper when communicating with clients and customers.
- Reduce the use of paper cups and disposable paper plates by keeping reusable items in the office pantry.
- Encourage your officemates and friends to recycle their paper by putting them in recycling bins.
- Insist on “Process Chlorine Free” paper materials.
- Buy products with the least paper packaging. Encourage businesses that follow environment friendly practices.
- Take advantage of the latest technologies like tablets, computers and smart phones to keep your files and notes.