Recycling of waste paper

10 Easy Ways to Reduce Paper Waste and Pollution

In North America, many paper companies are now modifying their processes to reduce the formation of dioxins. Dioxin is a toxic by-product of the manufacture of paper and it is a carcinogen. We are now seeking renewable sources of paper so we don’t have to cut down our beautiful life-giving trees.
What can you do from your end to reduce paper pollution and waste?
  1. Recycle all your paper waste.
  2. Be a conscious consumer and buy “100% post-consumer waste recycled”. Buy recycled paper materials or materials that came from sustainable managed forests.
  3. In the office, reuse paper. If you’ve only used one side for example, collect them instead of throwing them away. You can bind these sheets and make a notebook using the other side. This small effort reduces paper waste by 50%
  4. If you already have a scanned copy of a file, don’t print it anymore unless really needed.
  5. Use email instead of paper when communicating with clients and customers.
  6. Reduce the use of paper cups and disposable paper plates by keeping reusable items in the office pantry.
  7. Encourage your officemates and friends to recycle their paper by putting them in recycling bins.
  8. Insist on “Process Chlorine Free” paper materials.
  9. Buy products with the least paper packaging. Encourage businesses that follow environment friendly practices.
  10. Take advantage of the latest technologies like tablets, computers and smart phones to keep your files and notes.
As a consumer, the way you use and dispose of paper and other paper products greatly affect our paper waste. These small efforts on your part will be a valuable contribution in the resolution of our pollution problems today.
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